"All humans are members of the same body Created from one essence"

"Human beings are members of a whole in creation of one essence and soul. If one member is afflicted with pain, other members uneasy will remain."

Monday 30 August 2010


La Gran Mezquita-Aljama de Cordoba, construida a partir del ano 780 por Abderraman I a imagen y semejanza de las mezquitas de su perdido califato de Damasco, ocupa 23,400 m², posee casi medio millar de columnas y arcos superpuestos y es considerada come el maximo exponente del arte califal.

Caracteristicas de la etapa taifa y almohade, la Giralda, antiguo alminar de la mezquita, y la Torre del Oro, de forma dodecagonal (siglo XIII) constituyen dos simbolos de la ciudad de Sevilla.

Córdoba was the capital of the Spanish Muslim dynasty of the Ummayads (756-1031). The Great Mosque of Córdoba (La Mezquita) was founded 780 CE. It was added to and expanded over the next two hundred years to make it the third largest structure in the Islamic world.

When Córdoba was captured by the Christian Spanish king of Castile, Ferdinand III, in the 13th century, the mosque reverted to a Christian sanctuary. Then in 1523, the local clergy, with the support of Emperor Charles V, built a cathedral in the middle of the mosque.

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