Tuesday, 11 August 2020

We batter them with KINDNESS.

Robin Williams said, "Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always." 

KINDNESS shows great self-discipline and strong self-esteem. Being kind is not always easy when we are dealing with rude people. Kindness is a sign of a person who has done a lot of personal work and has come to a great self-understanding and wisdom. 

The concept of unconditional positive regard is important in schools. It means treating every human as equal instead of saying someone is good only if they behave a certain way, or if they fit in certain boxes. It means rewarding children for the smallest things, like being kind to fellow pupils, and not punishing bad behavior. If a pupil throws over a table and swears at the teacher, the teacher would still be very nice with the pupil. That child would be looked after, taken out of the room for a calming period and then welcomed back into the classroom.

Teachers must be kind. Always. Students do not learn from teachers they don't like, do they? Teachers must be the first person that says something positive to them every day. 

Empathy is something teachers can build like a muscle. Empathy is in short supply. Isolation and tribalism are rampant. Most of the people struggle to understand people who are not like them. 

I have been teaching for 24 years and during all these years I have always tried to promote the joy of deep learning and to provide a positive, non-judgmental accepting, risk-free environment in my classroom that encourages students to be problem-solvers, critical thinkers and decision-makers. 

I have set up proactive measures and I can anticipate situations that may arise with students as I have developed deep and meaningful connections with each student. 

I have always believed in the power of kindness and empathy. 

I have read on the newspaper a script for educators that helps young students see their bodies as trees, their breath as wind, and their kindness and warmth as reflections of the sun. I love this script! It says, "Our body is like a tree. It grows and it is strong. Our breath is like the wind. It flows in and out. And the sun is like the part of us that is warm and kind." 

Indeed with the sun up high in the sky, brightening and warming the whole world, you too can warm the world, with your kindness!

Mindfulness, present moment awareness, leads to self-esteem, self-concept, and well-being.

Young children are developmentally egocentric. Empathy develops over time. Kindness requires some thought about the needs and feelings of others. 

Kindness must be the new normal. 

Education must become the lens to help children see the inter-connectedness of all humans and nature to help build us a more thriving world and planet.

I am a huge believer in the power of kindness. I have found out that as a teacher, I think it is important to be transparent about your successes and failures, to share your whole story, not just your polished success stories. Putting authenticity out into the world and putting kindness out into the world inspire it in others. 

We can build a school culture that values acts of kindness, peace, and empathy. I am ready to do away with other homework for the entire month of December or March or April, replacing it instead with acts of kindness. Students are urged to be the reason someone else smiles during the whole month of December :)

A be kind movement is essential to our society. One kind Act can change someone's life. Many such acts create a movement. 

Changing the world through Kindness...one itsy bit at a time

We all have the power to make a difference. 

John Meehan said," Kindness is an integral part of our human nature. We must strive to return it to the forefront of our human experience." 

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