Thursday, 9 July 2020

Emotional Intelligence

David Caruso said, "It is very important to understand that emotional intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence. It is not the triumph of heart over head-it is the unique intersection of both."

Indeed, the best educators do not teach content to students. They build the types of relationships that naturally foster curiosity, engagement, and shared goal setting. This not only ignites a desire to be a lifelong learners but also helps to spread the joy of education to others. 

They are many home activities that build social emotional skills. 

  1. play board games and sports
  2. go on a mindful walk outside
  3. write in a journal or diary or blog
  4. practice coping skills like mindful breathing
  5. read picture books
  6. practice mindful coloring
  7. talk about characters' feelings in a movie
  8. start an act of kindness challenge
  9. organise an area of the house together
  10. write a self-compliment list
  11. use conversation starters to share ideas
  12. play gameslike "I spy" and "Simon says"
A new study reveals that students who participate in school-based programs focused on Social and Emotional Learning benefit in multiple ways as compared to students who do not experience programming in Social and Emotional Learning.

The benefits of programs focused on Social and Emotional Learning:
  1. improvement in prosocial behavior 
  2. improvement in attitudes about self, and others, and school
  3. reduction in problem behaviors
  4. reduction in emotional distress
  5. increase in standardized achievement test scores
  6. increase in social and emotional skills
Indeed emotional intelligence can help children develop emotional resilience.

There are many ways we can help children develop emotional resilience:
  1. Spend quality time with children. When they feel loved and supported, children develop emotional strength
  2. Talk about feelings so your child learns to share their worries and fears with people they trust
  3. Instead of rushing to solve problems, give children time to work things out themselves
  4. When children experience failure or disappointment, it is important to praise their effort and encourage them to try again.
  5. Acknowledge your own mistakes to teach children that mistakes are essential for learning and growth
  6. If your child can't find a solution to a problem, use gentle questioning to guide them towards it.
  7. Ensure children are eating well and getting enough sleep and exercise. 
Parents need to listen to anything that their children want to tell them, no matter what. If you do not listen eagerly to the little problems, they will not tell you about the big problems when they need to be told. 

Emotional intelligence helps children develop empathy. But of course, empathy needs to be also taught to children. Teaching children empathy is especially important given the current social and political landscape of many nations. We must come together in order to develop and nurture every child's ability to gain the perspective of those from different backgrounds, social groups and cultures. 

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