Thursday, 16 July 2020


To be an excellent educator is a gift, a gift to the students, the families, and the communities. Being an excellent educator in, in fact, a gift to our humanity.

In Culturize: Every Student. Every Day. Whatever it Takes, author and education leader Jimmy Casas shares insights into what it takes to cultivate a community of learners who embody the innately human traits our world desperately needs, such as kindness, honesty, and compassion. 

Jimmy Casas said, "No matter how many times we tell students we care about them, it will never be enough unless we show them. Actions speak louder than words."

We are blessed every day with the opportunity to help change the course of someone's life with our words, our actions, and our belief in their abilities. 

You want kindness? BE KIND. You want love? LOVE OTHERS. You want others to serve? YOU SERVE FIRST. You want passion? BE PASSIONATE. Be on purpose daily! 

Indeed, students are inherently the most important people entering our school building.

Jimmy Casas insists that we, educators, need to create school cultures where everyone, from the youngest student to the most seasoned educator, believes they have an obligation to be a culturizer with the power to impact the school in a positive way. 

Jimmy Casas's book will help educators reflect about their educational practices, and it will also help them reinforce their current best practices, and acquire new educational strategies.

Jimmy Casas wrote, "We must do everything we possibly can to ensure all students are receiving grade-level content while receiving the necessary one-on-one support to continue to grow and develop their literacy skills."

Educators need to be better listeners. Next time someone shares a concern, try these four steps:
  1. Maintain eye contact throughout the discussion; no multitasking
  2. Ask questions pertaining to what was shared
  3. Summarize their concern for clarity
  4. Ask what you can do to help
I am lucky to work with a great school principal! He builds relationships with all and pushes staff to get out of their comfort zones and bring meaningful learning experiences to our students. This has helped to keep staff retention at a high, a collaborative productive culture, and a student success climbing.

When teachers are frustrated, our school principal get in the trenches with them. He is a great leader because he never forgets what it was like being a teacher.

Behind every student success story is a staff member who championed for that student. 

Will you be that one? 

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