Monday, 8 June 2020

Lord Love a Duck!

Good Morning_and there is "a happening"_I was walking Caffé (our farm dog) on the back road of the farm, and over head, I heard BAA MEHHHH bleating!!! Lord love a duck!

It was a huge flock of sheep! in a long V formation. Caffé and I stopped and waited for them to cross the road. It is important to be able to experience true awe. While children have an innate ability to live in the moments, adults tend to find it more challenging.

When we are in front of an amazement-including-experience, we have to be present enough to allow it to overwhelm us. Every day, on my balcony, I take time to study the changing colours of the sky during an incredible sunset or during dawn.

You don't need a passport to experience AWE! just seek out nature, slow down, and have some me-time Indeed, Awe delivers the greatest boost to wellbeing.

It is very hot here, humid too, with wall to wall mosquitoes, but I love being in the countryside.
I love living in a tropical sunshine, floating in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean, having the sandy beaches and whispering palms, telling me tales of a dense seascape over an incomparable blue sea. I like to take a moment to be thankful for the opportunities I have.

I am dumbfounded by the fact that I am in my 50s, apart from when I do Pilates, when I am creakier (than I used to be :) I don't think we feel different as we age. I have found my stride and everything's starting to fall into place.

I like to take a moment to be thankful for the opportunities I have. My family are down-to-earth people and I love them!

I am where I hoped I would be with my family and career. I love the fact that I teach, and I have done that for 24 years. Please, God, let the next decade be more the same!

There are still things I want to achieve, but rather than a "to-do" list, I make a "to-be" list.

My voice as an activist has been one that questions and challenges, and I am consistently using different platforms to try to make a difference.

One of the things I like most about human beings is our capacity for change. The older I get, the better I get at recognizing my flaws. But I am very lucky to have grown up with parents who instilled such a great value system in me. I am proud of my values.

I am very much a searcher and quite an active person. I cannot do the passive thing! I need to find something to do and explore.

Yes, 2020 has been challenging, but there were some amazing achievements, too. If ever there is a time to practise self-care, it is the time, now!

Liberate yourself from doing what everyone expects of you and do something just because you want to. Doodle, write and stick on pictures that inspire you.


Enjoy SILENCE! But if the silence overwhelms you, and you can't get outside because of the confinement, listen to some music or a podcast.

I have dedicated one door in our new rented apartment to photographs. This door reminds me everyday that we are bound together by love and shared memories and a willingness to keep trying.

I carry a diary and write down every achievement and accomplishment throughout the day, however big or small. When I feel sometimes as if I am not doing enough, reading back over them make me instantly feel more positive.

Have a great day!

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