Friday, 29 May 2020


Lao Tzu said "Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure." 

Indeed it is important to take care of our mental and physical wellbeing. 

It is never too late to start investing in our bodies. "Embodied cognition" is the idea that the physical body influences the mind.

Stepping away from our everyday lives to recalibrate, relax and restore is no longer seen as an indulgence, instead it has become a necessity.

Kanso means "keeping things simple and achieving clarity by eliminating clutter" in Japanese. 

In today's fast-paced society, we can lose sight of what really matters, such as happiness, health, and love. 

Therefore, we need to connect with what's truly important and develop our spiritual side. For example, we can fill each day of the year with items of food or clothing that can be taken to a food bank or charity to help those who are struggling. 

The true spirit of our 365 days in a year is about taking the time out of our busy lives, slowing down and connecting with those who bring us comfort and joy. 

Sharing and giving empower us to live well. 

Health, happiness and wellbeing empower us to live well.

Discover the truth-who you are in essence-through body-mind experiencing in the here and now: 

  1. nurture your self-esteem and emotional healing
  2. build resilience
  3. manage your emotions
  4. nourish relationships
  5. connect to family and friends
Indeed herein lies our physical, emotional, and neurological healing, as a restorative process resulting from the rewiring of our nervous system.

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