Tuesday, 31 May 2011

'Killer Cucumber' Outbreak Spreads

The world's biggest outbreak of a deadly form of E.coli bacteria has claimed another life as it continues to spread across Europe.

Health officials say the virus, believed to have originated from organic cucumbers imported from Spain , has killed 10 people and infected hundreds more in Germany.

Experts said the outbreak of hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), which affects the blood, kidneys and, in severe cases, the nervous system, was the largest ever in Germany - and the biggest of its kind worldwide.

Health officials have advised people in affected areas in Europe to avoid eating cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce.

The E. coli pathogen has been identified on cucumbers imported from Spain but it is unclear if they were contaminated there, during transport or in Germany.

Horticultural farms in the southern Spanish region of Andalusia have been losing 7-8 million euros a day since German authorities linked the bacteria to Spanish cucumbers last week.

Czech authorities said 120 organic Spanish cucumbers were being pulled off shelves while their counterparts in neighboring Austria announced that "small amounts" of cucumbers, as well as tomatoes and eggplants, were being removed from 33 stores.

What is E. Coli?
Escherichia coli, E. Coli is a bacteria found living in the intestines of people and animals. It can be transmitted through contaminated water of food -- especially raw vegetables and undercooked meat.

It is usually harmless, but can cause brief bouts of diarrhea. Some nastier strains can cause severe diarrhea and followed by serious organ system damage such as kidney failure. Healthy adults usually recover within a week, but young children and older adults can develop a life-threatening kidney failure.


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