Saturday, 2 April 2011

Petition in defence of Desmond Tutu

Archbishop Desmond Tutu has criticized publicly Israel's policy towards Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank. 

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu has publicly criticised Israeli policy towards Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank. He has also criticised Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians. These criticisms are well-known.

During the Second World War, Nazi Germany killed socialists, Roma people, resistance fighters, and six million Jews were transferred to ghettos and concentration camps before being murdered. This crime against humanity must never be forgotten. Its legacy and lessons must be guarded by all of humanity. 

But to call the Archbishop Desmond Tutu an anti-Semite, that is not acceptable!! to call him an anti-Semite because he has attacked the policies of the Israeli government is OUTRAGEOUS! 

Desmond Tutu embodies the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the rights contained in which pertain equally to Palestinians and Israelis. Desmond Tutu has dedicated his life for a more caring and just society in which Palestinian rights must be respected and valued and Israeli rights must be respected and valued. 

Nobel Peace Laureate Desmond Tutu calls for an END to Israeli Occupation. People in America are scared "to say wrong is wrong because the Jewish lobby is powerful, very powerful," Tutu said, and because they fear that to criticize Israel is "to immediately be dubbed anti-Semitic."  

Reverend Canon Richard Toll said, "All religions, men and women from all over the world are waking up and giving one message: END THE OCCUPATION" "Tutu's life has been lived in the spirit of "never again" - the ultimate lesson of the Holocaust"

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