Tuesday, 29 March 2011

We have a great School Leader!

Heredity is a process of transmission, by genes, of specific traits from ancestor to descendant. The environmental influence on a person is the sum of all exterior conditions (family, neighbourhood and community, state/province and country). The debate nature versus nurture is still a debate involving many researchers. But in my opinion, heredity and environment interact in their effects. 

Children are granted with “predispositions to respond to physical and social events in certain ways.” But the environmental factors also make important contributions to development. (24) 

In his review of Sternberg & Grigorenko’s book, Intelligence, Heredity, and Environment, Akamatsu says, “both heredity and environment contribute to intelligence, and they both interact in various ways” (Akamatsu, p. 84) Therefore, I agree with Akamatsu when he says that heredity and environment interact in their effects.

As Ormrod stated it, “inherited predispositions may set a sensitive period, a point in development during which a growing child can be especially influenced by environmental conditions.” (25)

On the whole, school, culture, and climate are being influenced and affected by leadership. Teachers need to work together for the common goal of educating our students. Teachers can grow as educators and they can expand their curriculum in schools which propose a positive culture. Most of the teachers may have worked one day with good leaders or poor leaders. Therefore, as we become school leaders, we have to be able to learn from positive experiences as well as negative experiences. 

In the school where I teach, we have a great school leader. She takes responsibility for school success and she builds a strong school community. She believes that the problems of the school are her problems and she never stops trying to solve them. She is also creative in her problem solving and she approaches challenges with an entrepreneurial attitude. 

Akamatsu, C. T. (1999). Mind, culture and activity. intelligence, heredity, and
environment (Book Review). Vol. 6. Issue 1. Pp. 84-89.

Ormrod, J.E. (2008). Educational psychology: developing learners (6th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson


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