Friday, 27 August 2010

Citing Sources

What Is a Citation?

A citation contains important pieces of information about a primary or secondary source. These pieces of information, called elements, include items such as the name of the author, the title of an article, the title of a book or magazine, the publisher, the place of publication, and the date of publication. The citation identifies the source and enables a reader to locate it.

Your bibliography is an alphabetical list of sources you used when researching and writing your paper. Each entry on the list of sources is called a citation.

Quote. If you are quoting more than two consecutive words from another source, place the words or phrase in quotes and include a citation.

Citations are needed:

  1. To acknowledge the source of information for any ideas, quotations, or pictures that you used. Claiming that another person's ideas are your own or failing to acknowledge sources that you used is called plagiarism.
  2. To provide enough information about the source you used to help a reader easily find it.
  3. To show that you have read information about your topic and have conducted research.
  4. To protect your own original ideas and words. When you cite others' work, it is very easy to see which ideas are yours and which came from other sources.

In MLA style, your bibliography is called a "Works Cited" list. The Works Cited list is arranged alphabetically by the author's last name. It should be included at the end of your paper. If the work lists no author, alphabetize according to the first significant word in the title.

In APA style, your bibliography is called "References." The list of references is arranged alphabetically by the author's last name. It should be included at the end of your paper.

MLA Style : Citing Sources." Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, n.d. Web. 27 Aug. 2010. .

APA Style: The title of the article. (n.d.). Issues & Controversies. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from Issues & Controversies database.

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