Thursday, 10 January 2013

2013 a path to a cleaner, productive future

In June 2012, world leaders gathered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for a summit on environment and development.

Bhutan convinced the UN to adopt a resolution on "Happiness: a holistic approach to development." This resolution commits nations to create "the necessary political, social and economic conditions to enable the pursuit of happiness by citizens within a stable environment."

I agree with the Buthanese leader when he said that promoting happiness and well-being is indeed an important objective.

But we also need to agree on a new approach for achieving a prosperous and sustainable future.

Sustainable development means development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

We must stop nations from destroying irreplaceable natural resources and polluting the planet! Human behavior must change in order to prevent more divided societies, increased poverty and worsened environmental damage!

About 3 billion people on the planet, many of them in Africa, lack access to electricity. They are forced to use wood, coal, or other unhealthy materials for cooking or heating homes.

We must develop green-energy programme to increase the production of energy from geotherman, wind and bio-fuel power.

African heads of state and ministers must meet more often and agree on a consensus response about sustainable development programme (increasing commitments to agricultural productivity, providing access to safe drinking water, manage hazardous wastes, climate change...).

African governments must pledge to make development work for all... governments must listen to the people, not the polluters...

In Africa, urban planning is slow and bureaucratic, and by the time it reaches implementation, things have already chnaged, growth has outstripped the plans!!!

Many urbans Africans currently are obliged to live in slums!

How can we change our political system? The only way to fight corruption is to improve our institutions. You and I can change this situation... the power of people can no longer be undermined...

My brothers and sisters, based on what history has taught us, it is up to our voices, voices of thoughtful concerned citizens, to stand up and resist corruption.

Enough is enough! We need a strong civil society across Africa!