Sunday, 27 November 2011

Hepatitis What Causes Hepatitis

Hepatitis is characterized by the destruction of a number of liver cells and the presence of inflammatory cells in the liver tissu.

 Hepatitis A, B, and C  
A person can develop hepatitis if they contract one of the viruses that can cause liver inflammation, or as a result of exposure to substances that can cause hepatitis.

The word hepatitis simply means an inflammation of the liver without pinpointing a specific cause. Someone with hepatitis may:
  • have one of several disorders, including viral or bacterial infection of the liver
  • have a liver injury caused by a toxin (poison)
  • have liver damage caused by interruption of the organ's normal blood supply
  • be experiencing an attack by his or her own immune system through an autoimmune disorder
  • have experienced trauma to the abdomen in the area of the liver
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B (also called serum hepatitis) is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBV can cause a wide spectrum of symptoms ranging from general malaise to chronic liver disease that can lead to liver cancer.

HBV spreads through:

  • infected body fluids, such as blood, saliva, semen, vaginal fluids, tears, and urine
  • a contaminated blood transfusion (uncommon in the United States)
  • shared contaminated needles or syringes for injecting drugs
  • sexual activity with an HBV-infected person
  • transmission from HBV-infected mothers to their newborn babies
Hepatitis C
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is spread by direct contact with an infected person's blood.

The hepatitis C virus can be spread by:

  • sharing drug needles
  • getting a tattoo or body piercing with unsterilized tools
  • blood transfusions
  • transmission from mother to newborn
  • sexual contact (although this is less common)
Signs and Symptoms

Hepatitis, in its early stages, may cause flu-like symptoms, including:

  • malaise (a general ill feeling)
  • fever
  • muscle aches
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • jaundice (a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes)
 Hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C are all contagious.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

World Food Day 2011Take Action For Children

I was born in Niger and I grew up between Niger and an oasis in the Sahara Desert. Water and food have always been important issues in my community. I used to walk five times a day to fetch water and food was very scarce during my childhood in the oasis.

I run an Amnesty Youth Club. I teach teenagers about important issues, such as lack of water, hunger, child labor, human rights, death penalty, empower women, and many other subjects. 

I am enrolled in the Hunger and Agriculture Griot Course launched by One and WFP. 
This fall, One and WFP-USA and the Griot students are campaigning for foreign assistance funding in the Cogressional Budget for Fiscal Year 2012. 

Lincoln said, “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”

I believe that by educating students about hunger, importance of water, and human rights issues, they will be ready to fight for a brighter future. 

 The students and I are selling bags  made locally by an artisan. These bags are made with local fabric and on the bags we can read, 1 sac = 15 repas (1 bag = 15 meals). 

 The students and I will donate the money to a school in a remote rural area where most of the students do not go to school because they are hungry.

In this area, they prefer to work in the fields instead of going to school. 

With the money,we will offer one school meal a day in order to attract more students to school. If we can do it for 3 months, it will be wonderful! 

1 bag = 15 meals World Food Day 2011

We live in a world of plenty, but one in seven will go hungry today. 

To celebrate World Food Day 2011, the EIS Amnesty Club and Mrs. Ferdjani are selling bags tonight in order to raise funds to help children have one meal a day in school. 

Bags are made by a local artisan and 1 bag = 15 meals

People living in poverty have limited access to food. Within families living in poverty, women and children may have less access to food than men. 

Remember! Food keeps children in school! Please don’t forget to buy your bag today!

“Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice.”

Food keeps children in school!

"As long as poverty, injustice, and gross inequality exists in our world, none of us can rest!"  Nelson Mandela said “Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice.”

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, that is the sound of a child dying…every five seconds a child dies due to poverty! And usually that child hasn’t even reached the age of five!

I was born in Niger and I grew up in Niger. I have seen many hungry and thirsty children during my childhood. My grandparents lived in an oasis in the Sahara Desert and I used to walk five times a day to fetch water.  I have witnessed children, women, and men who had no access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food.  I have witnesses devastating poverty and I saw starvation and hunger up close. 

This fall the U.S. House of Representatives advanced a bill that would slash foreign aid by 31 percent! Please take action which can help hungry children and families around the world. Tell congress not to slash the foreign aid budget. Just over 1 percent of the US budget goes to foreign aid

 Please, urge the Congressmen to support the international programs that fight global hunger in the fiscal year 2012 budget, to urge them to create a circle of protection around programs for hungry and poor people in the United States and around the world. 

We want to urge the Congressmen to support Senate Level-funding of foreign assistance accounts in 2012, especially for programs like “Feed the Future” and emergency aid.