"All humans are members of the same body Created from one essence"

"Human beings are members of a whole in creation of one essence and soul. If one member is afflicted with pain, other members uneasy will remain."

Thursday 1 July 2010

Once by the Pacific

Once by the Pacific

The shattered water made a misty din.
Great waves looked over others coming in,
And thought of doing something to the shore
That water never did to land before.
The clouds were low and hairy in the skies,
Like locks blown forward in the gleam of eyes.
You could not tell, and yet it looked as if
The shore was lucky in being backed by cliff,
The cliff in being backed by continent;
It looked as if a night of dark intent
Was coming, and not only a night, an age.
Someone had better be prepared for rage.
There would be more than ocean-water broken
Before God's last Put out the Light was spoken.

by Robert Frost

Put out the Light” is a famous line from the Shakespeare play “Othello.” Othello speaks these lines just before he kills his wife whom he feels (inaccurately) has betrayed him. He believes that only by killing her can her Innocence” be restored.

How might this relate to the poem?

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